What brings static electricity to semiconductors?

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What brings static electricity to semiconductors?

Depending on the causal factors, static damage to semiconductor devices can be categorized into three types: human body, machinery and equipment, and semiconductor devices.

When static electricity is in contact with the body of the device conductor, the device is charged due to discharge, and the device is grounded, the discharge current will immediately flow through the circuit, resulting in electrostatic breakdown.

static electricity to semiconductors

The external object is an object, the human body will release a large amount of charge, the insulator in the case of the discharge energy is much larger than the external object; when the external object is a device, if it is not grounded, even if the conductor will accumulate charge, once in contact with the semiconductor device, the current will flow through the device, resulting in electrostatic breakdown; removed from the human body and the device's external causes, semiconductor devices in the manufacturing and assembly process will occur in the electrostatic induction, when the conductor is grounded, the internal electric field will change dramatically and discharge current will flow through the circuit, resulting in electrostatic breakdown.

For this kind of electrostatic damage to semiconductor devices is very serious, please make sure to remove these electrostatic charges before releasing the current. Currently, KESD Ion Fans, Ion Air Bars, KESD Space Ion bar have a very good role in removing industrial static electricity, and have been used in most semiconductor production.


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