What is the difference between AC ionizing fan and DC fan?

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The difference between the AC ion fan and DC ion fan is that the AC ion fan can alternately generate positive and negative air ions on one discharge needle, the discharge electrode consists of the discharge needle and grounding electrode together, the DC ion fan does not need a grounding electrode in the discharge electrode, the discharge electrode consists of a positive and negative independent of their own discharge needle.

In the absence of external wind (such as fans, compressed gas, etc.) occasions, DC ion fan than the AC ion fan in addition to the distance of the power to be far away, in the presence of external wind to the occasion, in addition to the power to the distance mainly depends on in addition to the structure of the appliance, the size of the wind volume and the strength of the high-voltage power supply. AC> ion fan, DC ion fan differences in particular need to pay attention to the different ion balance, AC ion fan due to the same discharge needle both generate positive ions and generate negative ions, so even if the discharge needle in the long-term use of wear and tear, the ion balance will not have a big change, ion balance performance is better.

DC ion fan due to the discharge needle by their respective independent positive and negative poles, close to the use of the ion balance is poor, in addition to the discharge needle in use by the influence of the environment and the degree of contamination of the needle will affect the balance of ions, in particular, the discharge needle in the long term after the use of the positive pole and the negative pole of the discharge needle wear and tear to a different extent, although the cleaning can not be corrected by the ion balance.




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